What is HOPE For The Girls?

HOPE FOR THE GIRLS is an Online Mentorship Program with the intention to Connect, Uplift, Support, and Empower Girls Worldwide, ages 14-24. HOPE’s mission is to inspire and empower girls to step into sisterhood, leadership, and self love.

Background of HOPE

HOPE for the Girls is my soul’s calling for Holistically Opening Possibilities for Empowerment to girls everywhere, to help girls around the world feel inspired to lift one another up, to learn how to love themselves, and to better care for and connect with each other. In 2006, I created a Sisterhood Circle, where older girls helped mentor younger girls. They learned to cultivate self-love while uplifting one another. The group brought young teen girls & older teen girls together with the intention of building bonds and creating connection. The impact this group had on the girls was amazing. They formed close, long-lasting relationships, and opened up to connecting with each other in new ways. I felt such a deep connection and bond with these girls, I never felt the need to have kids of my own. Needless to say, when I found out that I was pregnant, I was shocked and afraid. Even more so when I found out I was having a girl. My fear quickly turned to an intense desire to change the way girls grow up in our world. I didn't want my daughter to ever experience the cruel and unconscious experiences that many teenage girls live through.
Many teenage girls experience painful feelings of being “ugly” or “fat”, despite their inherent beauty; feeling unworthy or “less than”, despite their inherent value; experience emotional bullying or isolation, despite their kindness; and many are exploited, despite all their parents’ attempts to protect them.
For this, we need HOPE for the Girls. Program begins Thursday October 11th, 2018, with rolling admission. CLICK HERE to read more and join the Monthly Membership Program.

CLICK HERE to connect with Dr. Amy.

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